今天,2022年1月13日,保護衛士發布了最新調查分析,揭露了香港警方和港府官員日益明目張膽地威脅將採取任何必要手段追捕流亡海外的前立法者和民主活動人士,包括了多次試圖利用國際刑警組織追緝、遣返他們。由此 下載調查分析,到出版物專區或點擊下方封面圖片。
此調查分析還揭露了獲警方、港府或親政府媒體所承認根據港區國安法通緝的日益增加的人數。 官員的說辭令人恐懼,並顯示香港和中國當局都意圖使用任何可能方式追捕他們回來,正如同中國和香港通過國際刑警組織的管道請求丹麥警方協助調查兩位幫忙許智峯流亡的丹麥國會議員,這些情況丹麥媒體以及保護衛士早先都進行了揭發報導。
To the urgent attention of:
- Interpol General Secretariat,
- Secretary-General Jürgen Stock, and
- The Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF)
--- 13 January 2022
We, the undersigned signatories to this open letter, are all human rights activists, former elected lawmakers, or supporters of them, in- and for Hong Kong. Most of us have been forced to flee Hong Kong after the imposition of the National Security Law, which essentially created a set of political crimes. Our only real crime is standing up for the fundamental human rights and liberties enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Over the last year, Hong Kong authorities, as well as the Chinese government, have used increasingly hostile and belligerent language about ‘going after’ us, chasing us down, and bring us back to Hong Kong to stand trial for the exercise of basic political freedoms. On several occasions, and getting more frequent, Hong Kong governmental leaders, police and State-aligned media have brought up using the INTERPOL system to detain and have us extradited. A new brief report on these threats is being published today, providing details on these development, and the very real danger it places us in. We need INTERPOL to ensure our protection from such political abuse of Red Notices, Diffusions and other tools at their disposal.
Most of us undersigned have been confirmed as being wanted or having an arrest warrant on us, based on the National Security Law. Others have been implicated in court documents or in State-aligned media publications. Again, each and all of those accusations are for exercising our basic political rights. We are likely the tip of the iceberg, as tens upon tens of thousands have fled Hong Kong, and many likely wanted by authorities for political crimes.
There is a real fear that Hong Kong, or China, might have already used INTERPOL tools against us, and if not, and perhaps the greater fear for most of us signing this letter, is Hong Kong and China’s intent on doing so, as they freely admit in public.
Based on INTERPOLs charter, article 2, which stresses that the organization operates in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and article 3, which stresses that INTERPOL cannot be used for intervention or activities of a political character, we ask that INTERPOL:
- Review its databases based upon our names, to identify any Notices, Diffusions, or other action that might be in circulation,
- Carry out a prompt and in-depth review of any found cases based on the names here provided,
- Take appropriate action to delete any such Notices or Diffusions in circulation,
- Automatically delete any Notices or Diffusions for those here named which have received asylum since fleeing Hong Kong, based on INTERPOL rules, and
- Should it be found that INTERPOL rules have, or will in the future, be breached repeatedly by either Hong Kong’s sub-bureau, or China’s national bureau, that appropriate sanctions, based on INTERPOL rules, are taken against them.
Together with a growing number of Members of Parliament around the world, we have repeatedly expressed our deep concern over the increasing use of INTERPOL by authoritarian regimes such as China (and Hong Kong). The constant threat and uncertainty of a potential arrest as China expands its long-arm policing efforts by both legal- and illegal means, creates a profound chilling effect striking at the heart of fundamental liberties such as the freedom of expression and movement everywhere.
Bearing in mind the fate of Idris Hasan, who had a Red Notice issued on him by a request from China, approved by INTEPROL, all the way back in 2017, only to be cancelled this year after Idris was detained, we feel the need to address you directly, and in public, to ensure we are not victims of similar abuse. We are aware that Idris detention was based on a Red Notice issued in violation of article 2 and 3, and which INTERPOL failed to review until it was too late. As a Uyghur wrongly accused of terrorism, his life now, literally, hangs in the balance, should he be extradited.
With this in mind, we send you this Open Letter as a Preventive Notice, and ask you to confirm receipt of this notice and assurances that the steps recommended herein are undertaken by INTERPOL to prevent any such abuse. We are all fairly public persons, with extensive reporting on us, and the political nature of the persecution of us is abundantly clear, with plentiful evidence.