مبارزه با مصونیت مبارزه با مصونیت: راهنمای چگونگی استفادۀ جامعه مدنی از قوانین مگنیتسکی برای تحریم ناقضان حقوق بشر 30 Jun 2022
China’s missing verdicts China’s missing verdicts - The demise of CJO and China’s judicial transparency outlines how judicial transparency is deteriorating in China. 20 Jun 2022
China’s criminal justice system in the Age of Covid This brief report outlines developments in China's criminal justice system during the pandemic and compares 2020/2021 with the preceding years. 07 Jun 2022
Factsheet: NSC and Liuzhi This two-page factsheet presents information on China's system for extra-judicial secret detention, Liuzhi, and the non-law enforcement, Party-run, body that operates it, the Natio 26 Apr 2022
China’s Pincer move against regulated detentions China's institutionalization of two systems for secret and extra-legal detentions, RSDL and Liuzhi, sees continued growth, hollowing our regulated detention and criminal procedure. 26 Apr 2022
Factsheet: RSDL The two-page factsheet on China's system for secret jails, RSDL, provides up to date data on scale and scope of the system, and its basic functioning. 26 Apr 2022
Hide and Seek: China’s Extradition Problem Hide and Seek is the most comprehensive manual ever assembled on the issue of extraditions to China. 28 Feb 2022
Returned Without Rights: State of Extraditions to China Returned Without Rights: State of Extraditions to China is a report that outlines how extraditions undermine the rule of law and international legal obligations in target countries 28 Feb 2022
Factsheet: China and Extradition The two-page factsheet on Extradition and China presents an overview of the current status of extraditions to China, key issues for international law and rule of law, and policy re 24 Feb 2022
Involuntary Returns The Involuntary Returns report blows the lid off China's far-ranging long-arm policing operation Sky Net, the 10,000 targets so far returned, and the legal basis allowing for kidnapping abroad. 17 Jan 2022
Pursued For Life Pursued For Life is an investigation into threats by HKPF and HK government to use INTERPOL and other channels to capture exiled ex-lawmakers and protesters using the National Security Law as the basis. 13 Jan 2022
Access Denied: China's Legal Blockade China's Legal Blockage examines how the authorities are increasingly denying suspects access to legal counsel by targeting the victim, their families, and their lawyers. The report documents the lawyers persecuted and examples where suspects were denied their own choice of legal representation. 06 Dec 2021