
PDP: Manual
Practical Digital Protection (PDP) is a full, self-study styled, manual on increasing the security and protection for those at risk in hostile environments. The manual identifies risks and solutions, and unlike other materials, is focused on behavioral measures and issues. Technological solutions is at best secondary. This edition is for Windows (WIN10) computer users and Android phone users.

PDP: Manual
Practical Digital Protection (PDP) is a full, self-study styled, manual on increasing the security and protection for those at risk in hostile environments. The manual identifies risks and solutions, and unlike other materials, is focused on behavioral measures and issues. Technological solutions is at best secondary. This edition is for MAC (OSX) computer users and iPhone (iOS) phone users.

PDP: Introduction
Practical Digital Protection (PDP) is a full, self-study styled, manual on increasing the security and protection for those at risk in hostile environments. The Introduction: Behavior-based Cybersecurity is a briefer document outlining basic behavior-related issues and methods to increase security and safety. The English language version have been made available as reference. Other language editions vary depending on identified needs by the relevant target groups and the country's environment.